Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How Implant-Supported Dentures Can Change your Life

 Are you missing one or more teeth? If so, you may be using dentures or a bridge to replace them—but you’ve likely found that they have some associated problems. Implant-supported dentures can solve many of these problems. The results are so similar to natural teeth in the way they look and perform, that they might just change your life!

Eliminate Denture Slippage

If you currently use removable dentures, you have probably noticed that they can slip around in your mouth, too often creating embarrassing moments. It can happen when you’re eating, coughing, or laughing, and even when you’re just talking normally. Implant-supported dentures completely eliminate this problem because they’re securely anchored to your jaw—no more embarrassing denture slippage!

You’ll also find that you can once again enjoy any foods you might have been avoiding due to problems with your dentures, like nuts and seeds, and corn on the cob.

Prevent or Reverse Changes in Facial Structure

Perhaps the most important advantage of implant-supported dentures is that they prevent the changes in facial structure that happen due to tooth loss. These changes happen because bone tissue, like muscle, needs to be used in order to remain strong. When teeth are missing, the bone beneath the gum area atrophies and this can change the structure of the jaw, and eventually facial aesthetics.

Dentures and bridges don’t do anything to prevent these problems, because they don’t stimulate bone growth the way natural teeth do—but implant-supported dentures will. They’re anchored firmly to bone and actually mimic the way natural teeth roots work to stimulate healthy bone.

About the Implant Procedure

Dental implants can definitely change your life, but as you might expect, it’s a complex procedure. The first stage of the process involves surgically implanting a titanium screw into the jaw, to serve as an attachment point for the new tooth, teeth or denture. In the second stage, the prosthetic teeth are attached. Depending on the number of teeth being replaced, the procedure may take more than one session to complete.

Permanent implants can be used to replace one tooth, or several teeth. We also offer the “All on Four” procedure which can replace an entire upper or lower set of teeth. Four implants are placed in the jaw and a interim prosthesis is placed so you have an immediate smile and bite.  The key is that this is not the final prosthesis and you must eat relatively soft food while the implants are integrating with the bone, for at least 4 months.  After this, you can begin the final restoration which is more durable and esthetic.

The good news is, we make this procedure as easy and convenient for our patients as possible. While we don’t surgically implant the supports in our own dental offices, we network with a dental surgeon who’s located in the same building. Once the implants are in place and ready to receive crowns or the denture, Deer Park Dental will complete the process in our own office.

Tired of denture problems? Schedule an appointment to find out if dental implant supported dentures will help solve them.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Emax Restorations: All You Need to Know

The field of restorative dentistry is continually on the hunt for new products that improve the functionality and appearance of tooth replacement products. Durable, versatile, and with a high aesthetic value, IPS e.max is a dental industry standard for ceramic tooth restoration. One of the advantages of e.max is that it’s been designed as a full system of products for tooth restoration, and it can be used to treat and solve a wide range of cosmetic and restorative dentistry problems—from creating or restoring dental implants, to placing veneers.

Advantages of the Emax Restoration System

Using Emax for tooth restoration has advantages for both dentists and their patients.

  • Emax products are bio-compatible, and won’t harm teeth and gums.
  • The products are easy to use and apply, which often means that more work can be done in a single session, or that work can be carried out more quickly to make sessions shorter.
  • Emax products are free from metal, including mercury, so they’re ideal for people who have concerns about amalgam fillings.
  • Restorations made with Emax products are natural-looking and can be made to perfectly match the colour of your own teeth.
  • Emax products are made using a special heat-pressed process that is highly fracture-resistant, meaning less chance of chipping and breaking.
  • The versatility of Emax products makes them good for complicated dental restoration jobs where multiple types of restorative work are needed.

What Restorations are Emax used for?

Emax products can be used for virtually any type of restorative dentistry, including cosmetic restorations where the appearance of the final product is of paramount importance. The strength of e.max ceramics, combined with the ability to manufacture the products in natural-looking shades that match your own tooth color, makes them ideal for veneers, crowns, and bridges, as well as inlays and onlays for treating tooth decay.

In addition to new restorations, Emax products can also be used to replace existing restorations—such as amalgam fillings—once they are removed.

If you have questions about e.max products and whether they’re right for you, contact Deer Park Dental to schedule your next visit.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Do You Grind Your Teeth? Your Dentist Can Help

 Teeth-grinding—or bruxism—is an unconscious action that many people do when they feel stress, it often occurs at night while sleeping. Although mild bruxism doesn’t always create symptoms, for some people, it can lead to physical symptoms like headaches and jaw pain, and can even cause permanent damage to the teeth. If you grind your teeth, or suspect that you do, talk to your dentist about preventing tooth damage and other oral health problems that can develop due to bruxism. It is better to prevent wear than to try to replace the tooth that has been lost long down the road.

Signs and Symptoms of Bruxism

Since bruxism can happen while you’re asleep, leaving you completely unaware of it, it’s important to know what the signs are, so you can get treatment to prevent further damage.

  • Teeth are chipped, fractured, flattened, or loose
  • Tooth enamel is worn, and teeth are more sensitive
  • Jaw muscles feel tired, tight, or painful
  • Headaches that affect the temples
  • Pain in the ears 
If you experience any of these symptoms, and in particular if your partner or spouse notices that you are audibly grinding your teeth when asleep, talk to your dentist at your next appointment. Without treatment, bruxism can lead to tooth loss, and the need to replace teeth with crowns, dentures, or bridges.

How can Your Dentist Help?

If you’re grinding your teeth when awake, you can try to train yourself to be aware of it, and attempt to break the habit, but that’s not necessarily something that will help you stop doing it while you’re sleeping.

One of the most effective methods of preventing sleep bruxism is something that your dentist can provide—an occlusal mouth guard. These are acrylic devices that are shaped to fit your mouth, over your upper or lower teeth. They have a smooth, soft, and non-abrasive surface, so if you start to grind your teeth while asleep, they are protected. An occlusal mouth guard can also be shaped to limit the amount of movement your mouth has while wearing it, so the grinding action is minimized. Mouth guards are easy to take care of, and only need daily brushing with cold water and your toothbrush. If you build up heavy calcium deposits on your bite guard, as well as your teeth, you may want to soak your bite guard in white vinegar.  It is helpful to dissolve the calcium deposits for pennies on the dollar!

If grinding has already caused significant tooth damage you might need to undergo restorative dental procedures to repair the damage, but wearing an occlusal guard while you’re asleep will prevent further dental problems. It can also reduce or eliminate the pain in the jaw, head, and ear that results from bruxism, and the noise that it causes.

Bruxism is a common treatable disorder. Maintain routinedental visits so problems can be caught early or prevented altogether. Callyour dentist today!

ProSites, edited by Janice G. Scott DDS